Our in-house technical capability includes use of leading technologies for resource modelling and visualisation, JORC compliant reporting, database management and auditing, QC review and reporting, GIS and drafting services.
Database Design and Management
A relational database is the foundation and key asset for any exploration/mining project and organisation. Mitchell River Group offers a range of solutions to manage and maintain your data to industry standards. We can compile and manage your database in-house using Datashed™ and SQL server, and supply you with on-going extracts, reports and QAQC updates, plus set up templates for easy data collection which then facilitates collation to a central database. Alternatively, we can compile the database for you, compliant with your current data management software, or supply you with a Microsoft Access database to link to 3rd party software. We can also assist with configuration for digital logging solutions such as Ocris™ and LogChief™.
QAQC Reporting/Annual Reports
Mitchell River Group can advise on best practice sampling methods and quality control, conduct one off or ongoing QC reviews, advise on suitability of analytical methods and laboratories. We can also assist in the compilation of annual reports and data extracts for mines department reporting requirements.
GIS Services
Mitchell River Group has capabilities in all aspects of GIS, including cartographic services, spatial database compilation, locating and referencing satellite and geophysical imagery, plus conversions between local grids and regional projection systems.
Drafting Services
Mitchell River Group has drafting expertise to produce images for corporate reports or posters.
Technical Evaluation
using GEOVIA Surpac™ and LeapFrog™ visualisation software to quickly assess data and models from potential projects being reviewed for acquisition or mergers.
Resource Services
including geological modelling, geostatistics, resource estimation and block modelling. Mitchell River Group can meet the requirements for a Competent Person sign off (JORC 2012) for a wide range of commodities including base metals (nickel, lead and zinc), copper, gold, PGM’s, lithium, graphite , vanadium, uranium, mineral/garnet sands and coal. We can also assist through associates with pit optimisation and design, and underground stope optimisation and design.
Suite 1, 245, Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, WA 6008 AUSTRALIA
PO Box 162, Subiaco WA 6904 AUSTRALIA